Saturday, March 14, 2009

1 Peter

We have been studying 1 Peter for 1st term of 2009. There has been a lot of work that has gone into producing a booklet, bible studies and recording of the talks.

You can access them all for free here

Do we need to rethink men's ministry?

A website that I check fairly regularly to see what is happening with current trends and thinking especially for Gen X & Y is McCrindle Research
I came across his study of Australian Men
Lots of interesting stuff:

  • We take better care and more interest in our appearance

  • We don't meet at the pub anymore - it is at a cafe or restaurant

  • Competitive sport is second to going to the gym or Pilate's

  • We wear speedos at the beach

  • Women don't know what to think of the change

  • The typical Aussie male is under threat

We have a deep need to reclaim what it means to be a man. If only we had the designers plan, we could ask him or better yet he could reveal it!

If you have a spare hour then listen to Driscoll on being a Biblical Man. I promise you it will be worthwhile - he says some really good stuff.

But it did get me thinking about reaching men - are men's breakfasts done and dusted? Are even the meat crazed evenings of St Augustine's still living in the past? How do we best reach those Aussie blokes based on this information? What are you doing to reach men?