Saturday, March 6, 2010

Do yourself a favour!

I recently listened to a stimulating sermon on work by Tim Keller. In it he refers to an article by Dorothy Sayers called 'Why work?'

I have tracked down the article here

She has three propositions:

The first, stated quite briefly, is that work is not, primarily, a thing
one does to live, but the thing one lives to do. It is, or it should be, the
full expression of the workers faculties, the thing which he finds spiritual,
mental and bodily satisfaction, and the medium which he offers himself to

My second proposition directly concerns Christian as such, and it is this.
It is the business of the church to recognise that the secular vocation, as
such, is sacred. Christian people, and particularly perhaps the Christian
clergy, must get it firmly into their heads that when a man or woman is called
to a particular job of secular work, that is as true a vocation as though he or
she were called to specifically religious work.

My third proposition; and this may sound to you the most revolutionary of
all. It is this: the workers first duty is to serve the work.

As I said, do yourself a favour, sit down and read the whole article and ask yourself like I am - is she right? Does she reflect Biblical teaching? Has she understood work from a Biblical Theological perspective?

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