Thursday, June 10, 2010

I have stolen...... a question!

OK, look I know this blog is sporadic at best and my apologies for that.
But I have stolen this question from over here

“What segment of the community that surrounds your church would seriously miss you if you suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth over night?”

If you normally just read and don't post a comment I would really love to hear from you. Even if you're not Christian or you don't go to Norwest, your thoughts on this question would really interest me. Even if the answer is the church wouldn't be missed at all - that's still an answer. So go on, have a go! You can do it


Adam said...

if I was to disappear tomorrow then I believe that the people closest to me that I support and help and love would miss me the most. however if your questions is "if the church itself was to disappear" then I think that's a bigger question.
If a communities church was to disappear or for that matter if anyone's church was to disappear then I believe there would be a great loss felt. for someone to have a church or even a faith is a profound belief, even if they do not regularly attend that church or regularly pray.
I believe that to have faith is to believe in a higher purpose, being and provides us with a way to mould our lives, therefore if that was to simply disappear and there was no direction or information to follow and to inspire people the effect would be that people would feel a great sense of loss and fear, the feelings of loneliness would gradually create a great hole in that persons life.
If for example the catholic faith was to vanish or not exist anymore and all the teachings and references were no longer present then I would feel a bit lost, I mean I base a lot of my personal morals and ways of life on those teachings and beliefs so therefore without them my moral compass would be a little off.
I would survive however as I already have those morals and ways of life but I feel that those who need the constant reminder or reaffirmation of their belief system would be the most affected by such a loss.
Not sure if that answers your question but the theory of no longer have a church or faith in the world does get the mind wondering a bit.

Dave said...

Hey Adam,
Thanks for the comment mate.
I think the question is more if the church disappeared. I guess another way of asking the question is would you know if your local church suddenly ceased to exist? Really got me thinking about whether Norwest Anglican has any impact in the community.
If I can quizz a bit further with your answer though when you say you bass 'a lot of your morals' upon the Catholic church - which ones don't you? And more importantly why some and not others?

Adam said...

Hi Dave
in regards to the catholic church there are some things that I don't necessarily agree with, things like: Abortion, contraception, sex before marriage etc. I believe that when you are brought up in a religion then it is up to you to make an educated decision on your belief structure and values.
I personally believe in the majority of the catholic teachings but not all, I think the same can be said for any religion really.
there are also things about my religion that I follow in a strict sense for example we were taught not to receive the sacrament unless you have been to confession, I haven't been to confession for a number of years and therefore when I go to church I don't go to communion. however some people would not agree with that stance and go anyway (my mother being one of them). that doesn't mean that they are wrong or I am wrong just a different view.
one thing I believe in that has been instilled in me is that of acceptance of others, in terms of religion I respect everyones right to have their own faith and belief structure even if I do not agree with the teachings of that faith, I still respect there decisions and don't try and force my opinions on them.
hope that expands a bit for you.

Russell Smidt said...

Our community would miss:
1. A thriving playgroup
2. Friendly ESL classes
3. 50% drop in SRE teachers
... oh crap - I think that's all