I have started reading John Pollock's biography of a man called 'D.L. Moody' it is a great read so far but the bit I read yesterday was awesome, let me set the context of what I am about to quote. One of the men Moody had working with him doing what we would call a massive kids club in the slums of Chicago had not long to live. This teacher was anxious about his class that he taught, not one of them had turned to Christ. Moody took him to all the homes of the girls in his class and he asked each one personally, 'I have come just to ask you to come to the Saviour'. At the end of the 10 days every girl had accepted Christ as their saviour. But there is time for one more meeting before he dies …….
'You are not going today. Wait until tomorrow and get the whole class together. Bring them all to tea tonight'. Moody said afterwards that if he had known what that meeting would do to him he might have stayed away. All came, the teacher spoke and read to them, and thy tried to sing a parting hymn. They knelt to pray. The man begged God to deepen the girls' new found faith. Moody prayed. 'I was just rising from my knees when one of the class began to pray for her dying teacher.' Astonished, Moody listened to the faltering, extempore prayer of a slum girl whom he had known as an empty headed scoffer. A second besought her God for power to win others to Himself. One after another the girls stumbled into prayer. As Moody heard these genuine, fervent thanksgivings, these earnest petitions, the 100,000 gold dollars of his dreams turned to tinsel, the ambition to build a commercial empire showed up tawdry, transient. Better to spend his years as this dying teacher had spent ten days.
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