Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Real Tough Blokes

A strange thing happened to me the other week - I was taking my kids to the swings when a man walked by the his dog (a beagle). The dog came straight up to my 16mth old daughter and took the biscuit out of her hand! I was shocked, the man was very embarrassed and chastised his dog verbally. Later that day I was cleaning the car when the same man arrived in his car carrying a plastic shopping bag and apologised and said sorry for his dog's actions and gave us a whole bag of chocolates! But how does this relate to 'tough blokes'? I reckon it takes a huge effort to admit your fault and say sorry because it is a hit to your pride. Especially blokes! So, this man, who never told me his name, is a real tough bloke in my mind. He was able to swallow his pride and admit his mistake - I wonder whether he has done that before God yet? Yes, it is a hit to our pride to admit that we no longer run our lives and willingly submit to the will of God. It also makes me think of the cost of forgiveness for Jesus, chocolates for one hiccup, death for the other ......

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