Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Toy Story

A big part of my life at the moment is my 2yr old's obsession with the movie Toy Story (1 & 2). There is a moment in Toy Story 2 where Buzz asks Woody the philosophical question of the movie and it has to do with purpose - where Toys created to be played with or to live in a museum? Woody seems to have lost the plot thinking that the museum is his destiny but eventually sees the light. It reminded me of a conversation I had with an agnostic who has been coming to church lately. He has no problems with us being sinners, in fact he thinks that we were created sinners and therefore can lay the blame for all his wrong doings on God because that is how we were created! But this is not true - Gen 1 & 2 clearly show that sin was not part of the the original creation: "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good" (Gen 1:31). For how could God declare someting good if it was originally tainted with sin. Our purpose or telos is to be in perfect relationship with God, for this is 'good'. My friend fails to see that Jesus forges this relationship through his person and work and bears the punishment of our rebellion. It seems that the blame game should fall on us not on God.

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